Saturday, May 28, 2011

Different items currently being worked on

I don't have much of a set to pull together. I finally am sitting down to work on some projects that I have wanted to work on, but they don't really fit into any sort of a theme. Of course, I have a number of paintings that I am working on and a new rug mesh that I am excited about, but these are just a few of the odds and ends that I am pulling together . . .

 Photo backdrop with three channels
This has seen a couple of revisions- one version can be seen here - I made quite a goof on the center post in that version.
The original version also had some wonky leg supports. Angles are no the easiest thing to create accurately.
 Japanese book with 13 overlays and one CASt-able version
This is the one that can be CASt - this project was a labor of love - it even has an easter egg - even though the book cannot be turned over - there is a picture on the underside as well from one of the books :)
 Suitcase victrola - this one I am very excited about . . . 
I'm going to add a couple of notes here about this - I have owned a few of these and they never were in the best working order - I still want one. This saw quite a few revisions and the case of all things was the hardest part to deal with when mapping it. It's not the most cost effective regarding poly counts - it's running around 1500 which is still within the desired levels but still, I had hoped for less. I have thought it would be fun to include a few vintage mp3 files for the person who wants music that would be authentic - this might be a bit too geeky even for me. 
Beveled mirror - sadly, it doesn't look beveled straight on . . . mirrors are also a bit strange - take a look a this:
 Mirrors only reflect so much - they don't reflect many square outside windows - no trees??
This is the actual view from the window . . . makes for taking promo shots a bit difficult when one is creating a set of mirrors.

So while I try to make some sort of set in my head with these, I might just release each on its own and screw the set. I think I learned my lesson with the Salvaged/Antique set which still has curiously low download numbers. That said, I think I could pull two more items into this and have a tiny set - an end table and photo light - both of which would be part of the growing AHWb5 series - the end table is metal and the lamp actually was the model for the stand of the vintage photo backdrop - but I have a lot of vintage lamps to choose from so I don't want to repeat myself within the same group of items. Anyway - it's late here . . . will be working on the new rug mesh in the morning - hopefully that will go smoothly - I have redesigned it a few times - it's nothing spectacular - just a mapping issue so that one overlay can be used for two meshes. It's so simply, but I can't get my head around the best way to work it up - I have done two already and neither was especially great for me and it's quite annoying that UVMapper only seems to be able to map in squares - I want to be able to map in odd shapes like 128x1024 and the like and in scale - not so it warps.


  1. Oooh, I want everything! Especially that photo back drop. I'll be not so patiently awaiting their release.

  2. hehe - I will send them along to you to try out :)

  3. bad ass! Everything could be quite useful. Can't wait!

  4. Thanks Jill The Ripper - I hope to have a complete set by next weekend :) Fingers crossed . . .
